5:19 PM

Bath-Time Abuse

Cassidy loves to take a bath with her brother, I think she likes it so much because this is generally the closest that Dylan gets to her during a day, and he's actually playing with her, not yelling at her to get away. Oddly enough, Cassidy thought it was extremely funny when Dylan threw the ducks at her, she laughed so hard that I couldn't stop laughing. I haven't laughed this much in a while, my side even hurt when all was said and done.

8:10 AM

Family Pictures

We had our family pictures taken a couple of weeks ago by Tina Vink (see www.tinavinkphotography.com). Tina does an amazing job at taking pictures, especially of kids, I would recommend her to anyone!

To view our pictures click on the link below.


I am having such a hard time picking out pictures, I have a feeling this I will be spending a bit of $$ when all is said and done. Oh well, I love pictures, especially of my kiddos.

6:04 PM

Fall Pictures

Dylan & Cassidy

Cassidy Ann DeVries

Dylan Matthew DeVries