11:27 AM

6 Months Old

( She has an ear infection and getting two teeth, however she remains quite content considering the circumstances...doing better that her mom would do)
(Unfortunately she decided not to look when I took this picture)

These aren't the greatest of pictures, however, I figured I better post some pictures of my little girl, she is 6 months old today!!! I cannot believe how fast these past 6 months have gone. God is so good and faithful. Cassidy is such a blessing to our family, we love her to pieces and are excited to see how she grows and develops over the next 6 months.


Katie said...

She is getting so big too - aren't they so precious? I just love this age!

Karen Sherwood said...

Kim- oh my goodness, she looks just like Dylan! Your kids are too cute! And- no worries on the rsvp for Julie's shower- I knew you were coming!

Leslie Griffen said...

Gosh her and Dylan look so much alike they are so cute.