6:37 PM

Robinson Lake

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We're back from Robinson Lake and I am tired (as well both kids), but we had a lot of fun and that's what counts. I didn't think I could handle bringing Cassidy, who is 4 months old on vacation with us, however, it worked and we ended up having a great time. I was amazed at how well Dylan adapted to his new surroundings, now I am more worried about the week ahead, I think he was a bit spoiled with all the people around and the amount of fun things he got to do, so we shall see how he handles being back at home in the regular routine of things. We had great weather all week long, good family and friends to hang out with and a great place to stay, so needless to say we can't wait for next year!


Wally World said...

Kim - This is so cute. You guys do a much better job of getting a wide array of pictures than we do. We're going to have to share pictures as I have a number of Dylan and Cassidy.

Aunt Kelly